When talking about our focus, Priya Mendez, Ex-Director of Education at Campus IV – Bathgate Avenue, liked to quote Mahatma Gandhi, who said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” It is with this premise that Sharon Baptist Head Start ventured on a new journey in Childcare in Bronx, New York, to create an environment that focuses on this NEW paradigm of CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE for our scholars, families, and colleagues.
At Sharon Baptist Head Start Pre-K in Bronx NY, we define CONSCIOUS DISCIPLINE accordingly:
Conscious– an adjective meaning aware of and responding to one’s surroundings, awake.
Discipline– a noun that can mean activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training.
Ask yourself, “Would I rather have children, staff, parents, and managers say, ‘What do I get if I’m good or do what is right?’ or ‘How do I give of my goodness?’” How you answer this question will determine the school climate and culture you want to create.
“Relating this to the children, staff, and other adults associated with Sharon Baptist, school climate impacts all achievement, the adults as well as the children. The culture of a school can foster adult and childhood bullying, blame, and cliques, or it can build cooperation, willingness, and responsibility. The School Family creates a fundamental shift in education, classroom, and agency management. Leave coercion, fear, and external rewards behind, and step into the world where intrinsic motivation, helpfulness, problem-solving, and connection” lives (Conscious Discipline website).
To learn more about who Sharon Baptist Head Start as a company, the services at our child day care center and the 2-Generation Program, please refer to our Mission, Vision and Core Values for better insight.
At Sharon Baptist Head Start, the full implementation of Conscious Discipline is a long-term goal that we want to achieve for a better future for your children. If you would like to learn more about our institution, feel free to call us at 718-466-1604.