Physical activities play a large role in the health of your children. With many children spending their days in front of the TV or playing video games, they do not get as much physical activity that they need on a daily basis. This is dangerous as it can lead to not only childhood obesity but an assortment of severe health conditions which can have deadly consequences. This is so important that we even include regular physical activity in our child day care centers. Here are a few reasons why physical activity is so important:
- Health:
The main reason why you need to get your children exercising and living more active lifestyles is for their health. Without exercise, they could gain weight and be put at risk for many serious illnesses like diabetes. Your children do not have to go to the gym but it is important to make sure they are doing some sort of exercise. This can include sports, playing, or simply running around with their friends. As long as they are doing something besides sitting, they are on the right path. - It’s Fun:
Many children do not play outside nowadays and they are missing out on many exciting things and experiences. Whether it is sports or just riding their bikes around the neighborhood, these fun activities are something that your kids will remember for their entire lives. It is important to expose them to this lifestyle. - Cognitive Development:
Exercise can also improve the cognitive development of your child. Physical activity actually provides a large amount of stimulation for the brain. This can help your child avoid serious illnesses while improving many aspects of their lives. They will get better grades, have less brain fog, be more alert, and will simply feel better in every way. This is why we include physical activity in our head start Pre-K in Bronx, New York and through our two generation program.
That is just a few of the many reasons why it is so important to make sure your children are getting regular exercise. If you want to find out more about this or if you are interested in learning about our educational programs, please feel free to get in touch with Sharon Baptist Head Start anytime!