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Raise Your Kids to Be Life-Smart


Raising kids to be life-smart is about helping them make wise decisions, not just for themselves, but for the world around them. It’s about teaching them how to think rationally and ethically and how to make choices that will help them lead a fulfilling life. Our Head Start Pre-k enumerated some ways to help you in this parenting endeavor:

  • Early Learning
    Take advantage of your child’s early years to learn. Enrolling reliable preschool in New York is an opportunity for your child to socialize with peers and adults to learn about the world.
  • Positive Reinforcement
    Reward good behavior with verbal and non-verbal reinforcement. Explain why they are rewarded. Be clear about what they did good and the importance of their actions and choices in life.
  • Establish Routine
    Set a bedtime, eat at regular times, play at regular times, and study at regular times. The same goes for chores. Establishing a routine will help your children feel safe and secure because they know what to expect from day to day. It also helps them develop good habits that they can carry through life.
  • Healthy Expression
    Children need space to express themselves freely without fear of consequence so long as those expressions are not harmful to others around them (or towards themselves). It’s important for kids’ overall development because it helps build confidence within.
Let them grow to be independent adults who know how to navigate life. Raising kids to be life-smart is hard work, but you don’t have to do it by yourself. Sharon Baptist Head Start, childcare in Bronx, New York is your partner in ensuring your child’s future.

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little girls listening to their teacher