When a child enters preschool, they will achieve significant learning milestones, whether social, emotional, physical, and intellectual developments. At this stage, nutrition should be looked into with more attention as it can impact the learning ability of children. It can even hinder them from achieving developmental milestones. Thus, it is essential to prepare foods with nutritional value as a child’s head start pre-k.
It is also during this period that parents have the opportunity to teach their preschool kids about healthy food options that will influence their food choices in the future. Together with the nutrition staff here in Sharon Baptist Head Start, we can work together with the parents in planning healthy meals, even for a child with special dietary needs. Our childcare in Bronx, New York, helps answer the questions of parents regarding preschool nutrition.
- What should a preschooler eat?
A variety of healthy foods with different tastes, textures, and colors – coming from each of the food groups: grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, and meat.
- How much should they eat?
A child’s day-to-day and meal-to-meal appetite can change; thus, the child decides how much he/she should be eating.
- When should they eat?
Set meal and snack schedules, and strictly serve foods at these regularly scheduled times – also eat with them as much as possible.
The nutrition staff here in our preschool in New York have sample meal plans and more tips on healthy eating to help feed a preschooler. Contact us today for more details.