Starting at the toddler years, especially as they begin to claim toys as their own, your child is already building up their sense of independence. Some parents call this as the “Terrible Two’s”, but we choose to say it’s the exciting stage of the “Terrific Two’s and Three’s”. As a key provider of childcare in Bronx, New York, we believe that while children can pose challenging behaviors in a certain age, they are also at the stage when discipline for good behavior is very ideal.
Take sharing for example. Preschoolers have a sense of ownership for their things. However, when they learn about sharing, they can discover the happiness of seeing another child receiving the toy. How do you suppose sharing can be taught to a child?
Let us offer you the following helpful tips:
- Show that sharing is fun.You can achieve this by playing with them while integrating the lessons of sharing. Children love to play and they always enjoy the concept of winning. To teach them about sharing in the context of play, use cooperative games such as puzzles or painting. You can take turns on doing something to practice them about giving way for others besides themselves.
- Use positive reinforcement when they don’t share.When sharing with another preschooler is not made easier, frame your corrections in a positive statement. Avoid punishing them or telling them that they’re selfish as this can only build up resentment. Instead, you can tell them sharing is right and that there’s always a chance for them next time.
- Talk to your child about their reason.When children seem to be arguing about a toy, ask them to explain why they don’t want to share. You can assist your child in figuring out what they feel at that moment. When you talk it out with them, you can find out what their real reason for not sharing and then you can help them sort it out.
- Respect your child’s things.When your preschooler feels that their items have not been handled properly, they may not be very inclined to share what belongs to them. Establish a culture of respect at home so that all members will respect one another’s property. When they know their things will be cared for, they will be more inclined to share.
- Model sharing at home.You can let him try on your shoes for play, have a taste of your cake, or share stories every day. Use the word SHARE as often as you can when doing things that involve sharing. It can help to establish the principle in their mindset.
You see, preschoolers are not really difficult to teach. This is what we witness in the children in our Preschool in New York. We encourage you to continue parenting good values to your child and you have us at Sharon Baptist Head Start to back you up.
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